Hoang T. TraninWrite A CatalystPositivity In Being BoredBe so bored you start being inspiredNov 51Nov 51
Hoang T. Tranwould you say, as a senior developer, you can tolerate fixing codes produced by an AI prompted by a…honestly, fixing code from a product owner does not further their career development, doing that for a junior does.Oct 18Oct 18
Hoang T. TraninPractice in PublicYou Don’t Need Work-Life BalanceAnd a better idea of how to structure itOct 183Oct 183
Hoang T. TranThe UNIX philosophy for your messaging habitA wisdom that only came to me after years of dissipating focusOct 10Oct 10
Hoang T. TraninDev GeniusBetter way of testing and handling duplicates in dbtA small tip on making your tests more actionableMar 21Mar 21
Hoang T. TranA year of self-cultivation and growthThe context was lost, but the lesson remainsFeb 24Feb 24